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Cannot run qtVLM under new MacOS Catalina

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il y a 5 ans 4 mois #80 par emanahov
Cannot run qtVLM under new MacOS Catalina a été créé par emanahov

I had the older version of qtVLM and tried to install the newest one. I downloaded it, then copied it into my Documents folder and then executed it.

I choose the language and then I get this message:

Unable to write in qtVlm folder
Please change the folder permissions or
try to reinstall qtVlm elsewhere

I tried copying the qtvlm folder into many places but I continue to get this message.

Unfortunately when I try to change the folder permissions to Write even with Admin privileges I get a message from OS that this folder is a system folder and it's only read only and it's permissions cannot be changed.


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il y a 5 ans 4 mois - il y a 5 ans 4 mois #81 par maitai
Réponse de maitai sur le sujet Cannot run qtVLM under new MacOS Catalina
Hi Eugeni,
You are not the first one reporting this... Apple did a very fine job indeed ;)
For the time being what has worked for others:
Re-download qtVlm from our site, I just updated it with the same version signed a bit differently which may suit Apple better.
If it still refuses to work, try to launch it from Finder (find qtVlm.app, right-click->run)
And if that fails too, again from Finder right click on qtVlm.app, open in a terminal (last command), and type:
sudo xattr -rc .
(note the point at the end)
Hope that will fix it...
Dernière édition: il y a 5 ans 4 mois par maitai.

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il y a 5 ans 4 mois #82 par emanahov
Réponse de emanahov sur le sujet Cannot run qtVLM under new MacOS Catalina
Dear Philippe,

Thanks for your help :) Only the last option did work.


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