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How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2903 par A.R.
Hi all,
Beginning qtVlm user here. I have assembled a Raspberry Pi 5 with a UPS so I can start and stop the computer just by switching on and off the navigation equipment and the UPS will safely signal the Pi to power down via the shutdown command.
I am under the impression that the state of qtVlm is not saved when it is shut down externally instead of using the Quit (and thus save) menu item. Which makes me wonder how qtVlm responds to the SIGTERM signal used in Linux to signal a program to nicely quit. Does it do a quit and save or a quit without saving?

Kind regards, Arjen

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2904 par oxygen77
Réponse de oxygen77 sur le sujet How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?
Thank you for this feedback.

Indeed this was not handled. I added something for SIGTERM, I can easily enhanced this with other SIG
if needed.
It will be available on next version and we might have in between a beta. Can you confirm which version/flavour of qtVlm you are using ?

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2905 par A.R.
Réponse de A.R. sur le sujet How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?
The version I am using is : Version : 5.12-13 (meltemus) (Dec 10 2024)
Happy to test the beta if necessary.

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2906 par oxygen77
Réponse de oxygen77 sur le sujet How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?

And for this version you have the 64b-bookworm-rp5 flavor ?

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2907 par A.R.
Réponse de A.R. sur le sujet How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?
Yes. Running on the just released 16MB Pi5..

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il y a 1 mois 2 semaines #2910 par oxygen77
Réponse de oxygen77 sur le sujet How does qtVlm handle linux SIGTERM signal?
We have pushed a beta containing the support for sigterm

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