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Performance Data on Raymarine Instrument

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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #174 par orione
Performance Data on Raymarine Instrument a été créé par orione

I am glad I found this programm. It looks very promising and I can't wait to give it a try while sailing.

Regarding the option of sending performance data to raymarine instruments I wonder if that might be possible on our boat as well. What are the technical restrictions for that. Our Setup is a mixture between old seatalk, seatalk ng and nmea0183. I would feed qtvlm with nmea0183. I would be able to send nmea0183 through the miniplex multiplexer to seatalk and we have a raymarine seatalk - seatalk ng adapter. As a display we have a i70 available.


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il y a 4 ans 11 mois #175 par maitai
Réponse de maitai sur le sujet Performance Data on Raymarine Instrument
Hi Peter,
I would say it should work, but only experimentation will tell ;)


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