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Isochrones timing on IPad version

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il y a 6 jours 22 heures #2965 par robycam
Isochrones timing on IPad version a été créé par robycam
Hello everybody,
I have started using qtVlm on my iPad as well (tablet version).
Making the first routings, I have noticed that there is no possibility to change the isochrones timing: it is fixed at 60min < 24 hr and 120 min >24 hr.
Is there a possibility to change this setting?
Thank you very much for your support.

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il y a 6 jours 22 heures #2966 par maitai
Réponse de maitai sur le sujet Isochrones timing on IPad version
Hi, there is a security, you need to unckeck "Automatic settings" to get access to some settings.
Before changing that it is best to move the quality cursor fully on the right (best quality).

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il y a 6 jours 21 heures #2967 par robycam
Réponse de robycam sur le sujet Isochrones timing on IPad version
Perfect, it works!
Thank you.

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