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iOS import polar and sail configuration

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il y a 4 ans 9 mois #217 par PedroBM35
iOS import polar and sail configuration a été créé par PedroBM35

I’m having troubles browsing qtVlm iOS 13 folders to import polar file and change sail definitions files.

After selecting the menus bellow, I find a list of qtVlm folders not present in iOS Explorer app.

Menu/boat/Boat settings/Polar/Import polar

Is there any way to import a polar file and sail configuration without iTunes?

Thanks in advance for any help.

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il y a 4 ans 9 mois #218 par maitai
Réponse de maitai sur le sujet iOS import polar and sail configuration
Simplest way is to send them via airdrop if you have a mac.
Otherwise if you don't want to use iTunes, you can send them in an email as an attachment, and on iOS open the attachments with qtVlm.

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il y a 4 ans 9 mois #219 par PedroBM35
Réponse de PedroBM35 sur le sujet iOS import polar and sail configuration
Thanks for your fast reply!
I have tried wih email but unfortunately because sailgrib app also uses pol files , iOS recognized it as the app to open it instead of qtVlm.

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il y a 4 ans 9 mois #220 par oxygen77
Réponse de oxygen77 sur le sujet iOS import polar and sail configuration
Could you confirm which app is taking pol before qtVlm? According to me sailgrib is not an iOS app.
Also please confirm which version of qtVlm you are using.

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